Happy Valentines day
People like you are the HEART of our BUSINESS !
Thank you for your loyalty, support and referrals.
We will always be available to assist you with all your real estate needs!
Greetings for 2015
To our patrons, vendors, co workers, friends & family,
I have a list of people All written in a book - And every year at Christmas time I go and take a look.
And that is when I realize That those names are all a part - Not of the book they're written in But of my very heart.
For each name stands for someone Who has crossed my path some time - And in that meeting they've become A treasured friend of mine.
And once you've met some people the years can not erase - The memory of a pleasant word Or of a friendly face.
So when I send a note
That is addressed to you -
It's because you're on that 'Special list'
Of folk that I'm indebted to.
And you are one of several folks
In times past that I've met -
And happen to be one of those
I don't want ever to forget.
And whether I have known you
For many years or few -
In some way you have had a part
In shaping things I do.
So this is the Spirit of Holidays
That forever still endures -
May it leave its richest blessing
Warmest Thoughts, Best Wiches
A Very Happy & Prosperous New Year 2015
From Cederman Properties Inc
& Cederman Properties Referral Team